entrepreneurial unit

The Rise Of Front Line Intelligence & Reverse Mentoring – HR 3.0 to HR 4.0

I previously wrote about the fact that notion that “Entrepreneurial activity takes many shapes and forms whilst having their own distinctiveness in approach and executionhere which is a universal truth! Everyone needs to escape the rat race and start working for things they enjoy opposed to continually battling the masses to prove the survival of the fittest! In this brief article, I WILL embed a few quotes written for the Australian Institute of Business for my MBA (Human Resources componentry) and share snippets of the original article of which I plan to extend after my competing priorities!

My Favourite Type Of Enterpreur Is The Contrapreneur – Why? Because this makes you a better person for I do not care who you are, you are judged by your deeds and how you treat others – period! I validate this truthfully in this article!

The contrapreneur is one that constantly challenges their own foundation (in corporate, organisational and community settings). This is the home for the true radical thinker and organisational mutant. You are essentially a corporate heretic pooling together resources and ideologies to independently disrupt and perturb established paradigms in the corporate agenda. The environment that must exist here is one of absolute teamworktrust, and communication; things only visionary leadership can promote. This is not a place for fair-weather ideologues. You are embracing special abilities here and architect a compelling vision that is aimed at disrupting assumptions, questioning the void and doing something that is altruistic yet required to establish law and order. It is their duty to enforce some degree of legal retribution, metaphorical violence and astutely see through corporate facades and powerplay. They may employ some degree of trickery to nudge any system towards intended outcomes. The contrapreneur is one that maintains the balance of power and employs every toolset available in business, law, morals and at times spirituality to induce cataclysmic change internally and externally to the enterprise. Evidently, these are special people for a special ‘space’ and special time. Its therefore important to note that if a contrapreneurial process becomes integral within an organisation, the members will eventually become fixtures and their effectiveness wanes. If their time as members ends, they will probably never be able to re-integrate into the regular system.

Mohit (Max) Bhanabhai – collaborating author on www.bioteams.com , contextual appropriation of original article to modern contest: Source https://www.thealphaswarmer.com/2018/12/intrapreneurs-interpreneurs-extrapreneurs-and-organisational-heretic-that-is-the-contrapreneur/

Regardless of that, remember at the end they have revolutionised ways of thinkings and instigated a catalyst for transformational change. They are akin to prophets and mystics and ultimately rise when there is injustice being served amidst microcosms of enterprise, culture and communities. In aggregate, they are what spiritualists would say as people of god.

IUP Publications – my articles embedded on my #testimonials page