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entrepreneurial unit

The Rise Of Front Line Intelligence & Reverse Mentoring – HR 3.0 to HR 4.0

I previously wrote about the fact that notion that “Entrepreneurial activity takes many shapes and forms whilst having their own distinctiveness in approach and execution” here which is a universal truth! Everyone needs to escape the rat race and… Read more »

The Power Of Narratives As Paradigm Shifts Amidst The Turbulent Forces That Oppose Change

The Power Of Narratives As Paradigm Shifts Amidst The Turbulent Forces That Oppose Change

I recently read a riveting article in the Harvard Business Review entitled “Storytelling that drives bold change”- which conceptualised (with practical examples) the poignancy of taking a narrative driven approach… Read more »

Estimated word count: 641 words

The Demise of the US Dollar – A Prophecy For Its Death!

For long, the DXY has pounded fear across financial markets due to its dominance, weighting and influence over risk assets, emerging economics and those countries whom are reliant on the… Read more »

Estimated word count: 502 words

extranets and intranets work together

Intranets & Extranets Disseminate Asymmetries To Drive Knowledge Management – A New Paradigm For The Knowledge & Experience Economy

With the adoption and explosion of social media, unified communication platforms, virtual collaboration technologies and open source software technologies (most of which are free or require a one off donation… Read more »

Estimated word count: 711 words

Knowledge Economies Align Opportunity Sets Despite The Lack of Prudence and Fiduciary Duty From Regulatory Authorities

The notion of fiduciary duty is a core tenet of the CFA charter and underpins the regulatory paradigm across financial markets globally for it is the duty of the financial… Read more »

Estimated word count: 1068 words

Practitioners & Academics Reflect Polarities Between Macrocosms and Microcosms – A Leading Outlook

I previously wrote about disconnects that occur within the decision making context amidst the constant stream of information flows that is “constantly fighting for your attention whilst you concurrently crusade… Read more »

Estimated word count: 856 words


The Concurrent Innovation Paradigm Manifests Through Virtual Enterprise Networks – A Model For Reviving of Economic Systems

We are amidst trepidatious times with the cataclysmic signals that are pointing to a prolonged recession coupled with inflationary and deflationary divergence and the imminent national sovereign debt crisis. The… Read more »

Estimated word count: 696 words

innovation capture

Inter-Generational Learning: A Paradigm Shift In Network Economies

Arie de Geus, known for his seminal work in “The Living Company” and often as the father of the concept of the learning organisation articulated insightful metaphors in the context… Read more »

Estimated word count: 420 words

open source movement is powerful

Open Source Development Communities Proliferate Across, Within and Beyond Organisational Boundaries – A Requisite For The Future Of The Internet

The open source software movement is a force that should not be understated for it is a consortium and aggregate emergence of the wisdom of the crowds effect! I previously… Read more »

Estimated word count: 582 words

Retrospective Appreciations Of Various Literature and Appropriations – An Introspective, Reflective & Extrapolative Approach

Learning is an ongoing process and the importance of being able to think creatively is core to innovation for innovation has many faces and can come from different places! INSEAD… Read more »

Estimated word count: 343 words